Product Review Policies

Our policies

Everyone loves reviews - they're an essential part of the decision-making process when shopping. We encourage you to share your reviews, whether favorable or unfavorable, to express your individual experience and share helpful information for other shoppers. Shop takes certain steps to help ensure that reviews on Shop remain a reliable and trustworthy source of customer feedback. All Reviews and any replies created by a Shop Store, must comply with the policies below:

  • Abide by our prohibited behavior and content policies.
  • Be directly related to the product purchased or the Shop Store you are purchasing from.
  • Not contain ads, links, or promotional content.
  • Not be submitted by someone with a conflict of interest, including someone affiliated with the business (including friends and family of the business), or a competing business.
  • Not be submitted in exchange for money, discounts, free products or refunds.
  • Be unique. Only review a product once per purchase.
  • Be authentic. This means they're not artificially created via bots or similar techniques. For more details, see our Terms of Service. If you see a report that violates these guidelines, please report it directly in the Shop app.
  • Not contain false, misleading or inaccurate information.

Shop also reserves the right to take appropriate action to moderate and remove reviews for reasons not listed above.

Reviews Displayed in Shop

Shop takes certain proactive and reactive measures to promote reliable and trustworthy reviews on Shop that comply with our policies.

Shop moderates reviews submitted through the Shop app and any reviews collected via a partner app before displaying them in Shop. Shop may reject or remove a review or take other appropriate action if a review violates these or other Shop policies, the Shop Terms of Service, or otherwise violates the law. Shop will never alter or modify a review to change its meaning. Shop Stores may respond to your review, and those replies follow these same standards and moderation processes.

Online Stores

The Shop app does not moderate or control the reviews collected & displayed outside of Shop. These reviews are subject to each Shop Stores's own terms and policies and may or may not be consistent with the reviews that appear on the Shop app. If you have any questions or concerns about reviews submitted or displayed outside of Shop, please contact the Online Store directly.

Verified By Shop

Any review collected in the Shop app and displayed on an online store will include a Verified by Shop badge. This indicates the review was collected by Shop and has gone through our moderation process.

Where Your Reviews left in Shop app may appear

Reviews collected & displayed in the Shop app are displayed with the first name registered in your Shop app account. The review collected in Shop is also shared with the merchant the order was placed with. A merchant may choose to display the review on their online store or other platforms where they sell their products, and use the reviews in accordance with their terms and policies. If a user deletes their review in Shop app, the review and display name will be removed. We will also share this deletion with merchants. You may contact the merchant with any questions on how they handle reviews.